Remote Multiple Accounts


So you would like to execute trades simultaneously in multiple MetaTraders, but they cannot be running on the same PC? No problem at all :)

The architecture of this solution is quite simple: one PC (“The Manager”) runs TradingConnector.EXE + Chrome Extension, while all other PCs (“Recipients”) connect their MetaTraders with TradingConnectorEA to The Manager’s IP address.

The Manager needs Remote Multiple Accounts license, while the Recipients don’t need any license at all.


  1. First, The Manager needs to figure out the IP address his PC is connected to the Internet at - This can be checked using free tools like IP address needs to be in Public class, not Private - to ba accessible from the outside.

  2. Second step for The Manager is to open port 11111 in the Firewall of his Windows PC. This tutorial shows how to do it in just a few clicks:

  3. Lastly, Recipients must enter the The Manager’s IP address into “IP address” field inside EAconfig of TradingConnectorEA installed on their MetaTraders. That’s all!